Friday, May 31, 2013

Quote of the Day

All men whilst they are awake are in one common world; but each of them, when he is asleep, is in a world of his own. ~ Plutarch

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Crochet - a Collar and Cuff Set from 1950

From The Australian Home Journal, January 1950.  Left-click to enlarge.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Vintage Advertising - Cigarettes and the Great War

From Every Week magazine, June 1918, at a time when sending packages that included cartons of cigarettes to servicemen was a patriotic duty.  Ironically, smoking was prohibited on the front lines; that little glowing cigarette end made a dandy target for snipers.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy Birthday

To me.  Which is my explanation for why I am not posting my usual Sunday vintage recipes.

(Thanks to Stacey for the card.  Which she says she got from the NYPL online, so: "Courtesy of the New York Public Library,") 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Why Isn't There A "Take Your German Shepherd To Work" Day?

There's a Jehovah's Witness convention in town and one of them got into our building today.

Quote of the Day

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.  ~ George S. Patton

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Caption Contest

"You're sure this is how you do the Harlem Shake?"

(from the lovely Gail G in Michigan.  Any and all comments welcome; no prizes, just glory).

No, Jim!  It is crouch and walk at the SAME time.  I don't care if you did it differently in high school.  We do it this way in the real world.  Crouch and walk at the SAME time.

(from Unknown).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Knitting and Fatigue

For reasons that would probably be obvious if I were a medical professional, I went to bed at 5pm yesterday and slept for 11 hours straight.

So, in place of my usual Tuesday needlework post here's a Wednesday needlework post.  Another download from Purple Kitty, with the patterns available here.

As always, these are free if you want to download them one at a time, and $1.49 if you have more money than patience.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

"On The Subject of Entertaining" -- Part II

Setting the Table.  The proper arrangement of silver is often a problem to the hostess who is unaccustomed to entertaining.

First of all -- knives to the right, forks to the left -- except of course, in the case of he oyster fork, which, since it is used with the right hand, must be placed on the right.

Spoons also must be plaed on the right, and all silver should be arranged in the order to be used -- the tool to be used first at the outside of the row.  For instance, if the first course be soup, then the soup spoon must at the extreme right of the row; if it be oysters, then the oyster fork.  To the left the dinner fork first, and the salad fork next to the plate.

The fork or spoon to be used for dessert does not appear on the table, but is brought in with the dessert on the individual plate. 

The water glass appears at the right, just at the tip of the knife.

The bread and butter plate at the left, just above the fork.

With white damask and solid silver, crystal glassware is in order.  The modern hostess often favors pastel linens with tinted glassware to harmonize, which makes a pretty table.

Candlelight lends charm to any table.  many of the best dining rooms are not equipped with electricity, which insures the serving of every evening meal by candlelight.  Several sets of candles in different colors will provide no end of variety to your color scheme.

Tips for Table Setting.  Never decorate your table with ribbons.

Pickle jars, catsup bottles and tooth picks likewise have no place on the well dressed dinner table.  Pickles and sauces, if you must have them, are served in glass dishes with small serving spoons -- likewise jelly or marmalade.

Place folded napkin, at the left, or on the service plate.  Fancy foldings are not in good taste.

While ash trays have no place on the strictly formal dinner table, the modern hostess will require them -- ladies no longer retire to the drawing room while the gentlemen smoke.

Table Decoration.  Suit the decorations to the type of entertainment, or character of the house, and remember that simplicity is always the keynote of good taste.  A bowl of fruit flanked with plain candle sticks is better than an elaborate centerpiece.  Flowers properly arranged, and in keeping with the color scheme are lovely, but should not be high.  Keep table decorations low always, so that your guests will have no difficulty in looking at each other.

Do not go in for novelty decorations unless the occasion is novel -- such as Halloween, Valentine or St. Patrick's Day.

Place cards may be placed just above the plate, or on the napkin.

Buffet Service.  Buffet service is very popular, for it solves the problem of entertaining large groups.

Again the table arrangement is the first consideration.  The cloth may be of damask, lace or embroidery -- or runners, if the hostess prefers.  Careful arrangement of the centerpiece, be it flowers or fruit, are its main charm.  Candlesticks come next -- or a candelabra may be used for the center, with flowers on either side.  Candles are not used, however, before four in the afternoon.

The coffee or tea tray, or the punch bowl, are placed at opposite ends of the table.  Plates filled with sandwiches, tea cakes, etc., are arranged down each side, with the silver and china needed close by so that guests may serve themselves easily.  Piles of napkins, too, must be where easily reached.  Guests stand or sit at a buffet meal, as they wish.  Bridge tables are often arranged for their convenience.

The Detroit Times Cookbook, 1936.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Quote of the Day

A child with a firm grasp of the essentials.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Online Bookshelf - The Luminous Face

Available for download from Project Gutenberg.  I don't know if the story's any good, but I love that dress.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Knitting - Vintage Vests

From Purple Kitty, another booklet of vintage (late 50's/early 60's from the looks of it) patterns.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"On The Subject of Entertaining"

Linens Come First. After the invitations are issued, the first concern of the perfect hostess is the matter of table linens.  For the formal dinner of luncheon, of course, nothing has yet replaced the quiet elegance of pure white damask.  However, just as correct these days are the pastel shades in damask, or an Italian or Spanish filet, for those who prefer them.

For the summer cottage, or for bridge tables, snappy colored covers are in order.  A trip through the shops will provide no end of variety in these -- quaint checkered gingham effects, Roman stripes, modernistic designs in hand blocked linens, hand embroidered sets, organdy -- and runners and doilies galore.  an of these may be used for the informal meal, and are THE thing at impromptu luncheons, suppers, or midnight snacks.

For the children, and novel occasions, there are charming sets of oilcloth, in scotch plain and chintz patterns, to say nothing of the great variety of paper sets suitable for all occasions.

The hostess who does a great deal of entertaining often goes in for filet or embroidered doilies under glass, which is very charming.

The Silver.  Silver should be in harmony, as near as possible, with its surroundings.  Since most of us cannot have several sets, it is best to buy a pattern suitable for all occasions, in open stock, adding more pieces as the time goes on.  Designers and manufacturers offer a wide variety, from which to choose.  While the plain and simple lined solid service handed down for generations, is greatly prized by many, there are any number of "new" patterns carryin the charm of good taste, from which to choose.

The China.  The china, like everything else, must match the character of the house.  For the cottage or bungalow Early American patterns are charming.  For the modern home choose Wedgewood, or any of the many inexpensive varieties that suit your personal taste.  The home that runs to the modernistic may safely go in for china of like trend -- black and white or other contrasting color in chic designs.

From The Detroit Times Cookbook, 1936.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Quote of the Day

There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog. ~ Konrad Lorenz

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Knitting - A Summer Top from 1951

From The Australian Home Journal, a lightweight cap-sleeved shell with a pretty band of lace across the yoke.  Instructions on my Flickr account.  And if you'd like the entire magazine, has most of them from 1949 through 1952.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The First Asparagus of the Season

"Afparagus - The mode of cultivation belongs to gardening; your bufinefs is only to cut and drefs, the largeft is beft, the growth of a day fufficient, fix inches long, and cut juft above the ground; many cut below the furface, under an idea of getting tender fhoots, and preferving the bud; but it enfeebles the root; dig round it and it will be wet with the juices -- but if cut above ground, and juft as the dew is going off, the fun will either reduce the juice, or fend it back to nourifh the root -- its an excellent vegetable." - Amelia Simmons, American Cookery, 1798.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Après Moi, La Deluge

I was supposed to go out tomorrow with a fellow Red Cross volunteer to do damage assessments in one of our neighboring counties that has been affected by the recent floods. Fortunately, someone figured out that the areas we were assigned are still underwater, and just called us off.

You know, fiction can't compete with real life.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Quote of the Day

Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. ~ Zora Neale Hurston

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mamma Said There'd Be Days Like This

At 3pm I broke my PC.

At 3:15 I dropped a potted plant and flung potting soil and dead leaves all over the office carpet.

At 3:30 I went home.  I told my boss I had more scope for destruction here.

Updated to add:  at 6:35 I managed to drop a carton of eggs.