They'll do anything to get us to attend training.
I'll be working the polls all day tomorrow. EDIT/UPDATE 6/28/22, 21:20 HOURS: my feet are killing me.
From Mother Nature's Toy Shop by the indefatigable Beard sisters - see page 132 for cutouts to make the head and limbs. EDITED TO ADD: If you don't want a sweet potato/alligator hybrid rotting on your shelf, this would probably work with longleaf or Eastern white pine cones.
Something to keep the kids occupied inside on a muggy day. It's from Le Carton Articule and several pages are on Patricia's site. I can't find a date - but I'm guessing 1920's or 30's from the illustrations.
There is no faith which has never been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog. ~ Konrad Lorenz.
A little shaped calot and an over-the-arm handbag from the August, 1944 issue of Workbasket magazine. Free download from the Antique Pattern Library.