Thursday, January 10, 2008

Interservice rivalry

One of our Air Force nephews sent us a rather cryptic email to let us know that he was going to be in “the desert” for a few months.

When I wondered which desert he meant, the spousal unit—a Marine veteran of the first Gulf War—replied tersely, “The one with the air conditioning.”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I knew I'd mess it up the first time...

    We once visited some old neighbors that had moved away. They lived down the street from her parents. The father was a WWII vet who loved to tell stories, so he entertained us all evening with war stories, etc.

    At one point, I mentioned that my grandfather had been on a Navy ship in the South Pacific during the war, and this fellow said, "You be sure to tell him that you met someone that fought in Europe against full-size enemies."

  3. and dont' even get Korean War vets started....!
