Sunday, February 10, 2008

Vintage Cookbooks-The Story of Crisco

(Menu for February 10th is offered without comment. The 1913 edition is available online at Project Gutenberg).

Broiled Beefsteak, Baked Potatoes
Creamed Onions
Waldorf Salad
Jellied Figs, Nut Cookies

*Waldorf Salad—1 quart chopped apples, 2 cups diced celery, 1-1/2 cups blanched and shredded almonds, and 2/3 cup rolled pecan nut meats. Dress with following dressing, adding little more sugar and lemon juice to taste, just before serving. Mix 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, 1 teaspoon each mustard and white sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Add 2 well beaten egg yolks and then beat in slowly 4 tablespoons lemon juice. Cook in double boiler till it thickens. Then add whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Keep on ice till wanted. Stir in 1 cup whipped cream just before serving. This is very good made with 5 egg yolks and 1/2 cup thin cream if whipping cream is unobtainable.

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