Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obsolete Information Dep't-On the Correct Adjustment of Corsets

"Any woman can be charming if she is well groomed and graceful; and, like Eve, she attains this most subtle of all charms by giving time and thought to the adjustment of each garment, even the most intimate. Many a good corset fails to do its work because the woman who wears it is too careless to put it on properly."

Let that be a warning to all us shiftless slatterns out there. The full article can be found here.


  1. How funny! Thank goodness we don't have to wear those any more. Give me a good underwire bra any day! LOL!

  2. and just think -- many women wore them to BED!

  3. Wait - I thought Eve didn't have any garments to adjust...

  4. the writer must have been talking about post-apple Eve ;-)

  5. I have to tell you that my grandmother who was a girl at the turn of the 20th century -1900, wore a corset - lace up one at that! until about 1970 when she could no longer get her hands behind her back to lace it up.
    Gosh, can you imagine??
