Friday, April 18, 2008

Current Events

I am told we had an earthquake this morning.

(I slept right through it).


  1. Well, you must have been really tired! I could probably sleep through one most mornings...

    Glad you are all OK though.

  2. That earthquake has been the talk of the town around here! We slept through it too (much to my husband's dismay), but I think the dog felt it... his collar was jingling around rather early this morning (much to my dismay).

  3. A lot of people at work were talking about it, but nobody felt it.

  4. There was an aftershock a few hours later. I was at work, arguing with PC support about my laptop, when someone came running in and asked "Did you feel that?"

    Nope. None of the tech guys did, either, so I didn't feel too bad about it.

  5. I was actually awake, and didn't feel it. It did wake my sister and b-i-l, who are down near St. Louis, and so closer to the epicenter. She said it felt very weird, like someone was moving the mattress back and forth
