Tuesday, April 8, 2008

For the Table - Crocheted Hot Pads

This idea comes from Modern Priscilla, April 1917. You should be able to right click and save the picture, but if you have any problems please go to my Flickr account for a larger version.


  1. thanks for the visit!
    we have similar tastes, I see!

  2. Sim!

    (but after that and "bom dia" I'm afraid I have run out of Portuguese ...:-)

  3. I love the magazine name - the Modern Priscilla. Wonderful!

    One of my great grandmothers used to crochet doilies for the children's Christmas presents (and bun covers too, for their hair) - you can imagine how thrilled they were!

  4. My grandmother made persimmons cookies.

    ('nuff said ;-)
