Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tatting - 25 Motif Challenge

This is your motif (from Mrs Beeton, courtesy Project Gutenberg):

This is your motif after Reserve Cat has knocked it around the living room carpet:

(so, Sharon does it still count?)


  1. Oh, cats DO love to help! I have more patterns with missing pieces because of my 4 footed assistants!

    I believe you get extra points if you finish something with them to help!

  2. I suppose I could wash the cat spit out of it and press it flat....

  3. Looks like how my kids help me.

  4. I had a cat once who used to steal the bag of beads I was tatting with and take it to his litter box. He also stole money and buried it there. It was so funny! Cats are so helpful when it comes to tatting...or anything involving string.

  5. I try to keep the cats on a low-fiber diet but they're sneaky.
