Friday, May 2, 2008

Is there anyone out there from Manchester?

I need a translation of panel one!


  1. Hi - I'm not quite from Manchester but close enough!

    I think it's something like; i'm confused by all the emotion and skullduggery. The politicians are wrong and should stop.

    Not quite so colourful is it? I prefer the Manc version i think :D

  2. He's a recurring character on this strip; I thinks it's interesting that the cartoonist avoided the probably more typical choice of a Cockney cat in favor of a Manche...Manchu..Mancusian?

  3. easier to call them Mancs I think but you're right with Mancusian. I'm a little biased hailing from Yorkshire, the wars of the roses ended in 1487 but we have long memories (oh, and we won!) :D

  4. Now this one I understood. Mostly.

  5. I think that Mancunian is the correct term!
    And my take on it is that no one understands what is going on and the joke is that the speech is incomprehensible though they pretend to understand it, in other words a metaphor for politics anywhere!
    Judith in the UK where there is lots of reporting about the US election but few really understand what is going on so a double joke in the strip.

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  8. Judith, I'm not sure anyone here understands what's going on, either.

    The Republican party ran a bunch of canting wingnuts (actually I shouldn't say that, the Gov of Arkansas is a pretty decent fellow from everything I've read about him. But he's not a very good choice for Pres) and a savvy moderate who had to re-position himself as a Reagan clone to get the nomination.

    The Democratic party is tearing itself to pieces right now trying to choose between a smart, attractive, well-meaning, inexperienced male Senator and a well-connected, politically astute and widely despised female Senator.

    November will be interesting, right down to the wire.
