Thursday, June 19, 2008

Things You Don't Want to Hear as You're Walking Into The House

"Before you hear about it from somebody else, I have to tell you that I fell off the ladder today."


  1. Your training appears to be working. Sort of.

    At least he's telling you now.

  2. So my step-dad is a Theatrical lighitng designer. Twice now he has uttered those same words with the tag-on of "DO NOT tell your mother". Once was when the ladder was on a skating rink & he was hanging a light. Just a bruise. The other resulted in a broken ankle. Not sure how he thought Mom wouldn't notice a kellt green cast.
    Is Spousal Unit ok?

  3. I think it has dawned on him that the village intelligence network is going to inform on him, so he's beating them to the punch.

    He sprained his wrist (that is my diagnosis at any rate) but that appears to be the extent of the damage.

  4. No, that is definitely not a good thing tobe greeted with. Glad the injury was relatively minor, though it still sound painful...

    It's also not great to hear "now don't be mad but..." or "you're not going to like this..."
