Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One Dog Night

(We live in an old house. The air conditioner is never turned on for the simple reason that it does not work).


  1. Ah, the infamous "flying frog" position! We know it well. :)

  2. We have just fan in the bedroom, and to get into bed, we have to fight a large dog and 2 or 3 cats every night. :)

  3. We have fans, too--so far this year it hasn't gotten hot enough for long enough to put the window ACs in. Taenzer likes to lie in front of them. Timber, he of the magnificent coat, prefers to lie in the enamelled cast-iron bathtub.

    Annie, the cat, used to lie *behind* the floor fan--she had air pulled over her that way, rather than blown over her, but I'm sure she also took great satisfaction in knowing her fur was being distributed all over the rest of us!

  4. Big Dog (although at the rate she's growing, Little Dog will be Big Dog soon) goes down to the basement and lies on the cool conrete floor in front of the washing machine.

    Little Miss Flying Frog lies down behind the commode in the bathroom. I have a photo that I'd love to post but it's full frontal, if ya know what I mean.

  5. I love the splayed legs position. It makes me laugh.

  6. This is so my dog. She hogs the fan too.

  7. Last Monday it got so hot down here that Timber threw up. I caved and put the window AC in the bedroom at 11:00 p.m. Took it out the next day, but I wasn't going to risk him having heatstroke.

    This week it's back to unaccustomed summer gorgeousness.
