Monday, July 28, 2008

Vintage Magazines-Woman and Home, 1955


  1. Shay,

    In case you have other readers who are on LJ, I just set up an RSS on LJ so we can read you on our Friends-pages. The URL to add the feed to one's F-list is:

  2. I want her dress. :)

  3. What do they suggest about "What to Do at a Wedding" - I am realy curious. I mean, you could get married; or throw rice; or like the lady on the cover, wear an opaque sort of look, not quite disappointed, not exactly jealous. Very mysterious!

    That looks like a terrific magazine, where'd you find it?

  4. on eBay, from a lovely Canadian lady who sells old magazines and other ephemera.

    The wedding article was on the lines of who stands where and how much to tip the vicar.
