Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Required Reading: The Ladies' Book of Useful Information

Want to learn how to preserve a rosy and youthful complexion, or what to expect when a young man's attentions are serious? Then you must read this book, another late Victorian treasure from Project Gutenberg.


  1. Have I got a book for you to look up: "A Practical Book for Practical People" from 1895. I bought a copy of it just for the cover graphics. The text is a hilarious mix of information on tariffs, law, farming and finances with an "Oration on Christopher Columbus" and a chapter on "Manners and Usages of Society," the last thrown in for potential women readers.

    Well, I just looked it up and don't see it. I want to take pics and blog about it. I'll send you an email when I do!-

  2. when you find it, let me know! I could use some help on Manners and Usages of Society....
