Sunday, December 28, 2008


The temperature rose to 50F/10C here on Friday, and we awoke Saturday morning to pelting rain and gale-force winds. The river is out of its banks and just outside town on Route 165, a row of 1940s-vintage utility poles sheared off at ground level, putting us without power (again) from just before noon yesterday until shortly after 1o’clock this morning.

Knitting by candlelight has disadvantages, not the least being when the cat jumps up on the end table and sets her tail on fire.


  1. LOL sorry for the cats tail on fire but it's funny to think about it.
    We had those hard winds and tons of rain with flooded streets but was lucky to not lose our power.

  2. That's the second cat that I've heard of setting his/her tail on fire. A friend's Himalayan lit it's tail on fire and they had to chase her before she set the room on fire in her panic. Hopefully, your damage was minimal.

  3. Oh dear. My feline only ever singed his whiskers.

  4. I must say that with great presence of mind (not my strong suit) I pulled her away from the candle and plopped her butt down onto the sofa-cushions so that the conflagration ended almost before it began. It was a rather exciting three seconds, however.
