Friday, December 12, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Mrs. Budlong gave heaps of presents. Christmas was an industry with her, an ambition; Christmas was her career…

Mrs. Budlong's campaign was undertaken with the same farsightedness
as a magazine editor's. On or about the Fourth of July she began to
worry and plan. By the second week in August she had her tatting
well under way. By the middle of September she was getting in her
embroidered doilies. The earliest frost rarely surprised her with
her quilts untufted. And when the first snow flew, her sachet bags
were all stuffed and smelly." Mrs. Budlong's Christmas Presents, by Rupert Hughes.

1 comment:

  1. LOL every July I think I should start on my Christmas gifts but I never get past the thinking part :)
