Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sewing - A Bracelet Bag and Hat from 1947

It took me a couple of read-throughs before I grasped the instructions; this bag is just a tube of felt, trimmed with bias tape, and drawn through a matching ring. It’s tacked to the ring and the weight and bulk of the felt should keep it from falling open, but I think if I were going to make it I’d add a couple of discreet snap fasteners under the fold. Just for insurance. We carry more in our bags than 1940’s ladies ever did.

These types of bags were known as bracelet bags as they were carried looped over the wrist. And I love the hat (the instructions don’t tell you how to enlarge the pattern, but the squares should be one inch). This is another gift idea from Crochet and Knitting for Every Woman, which obviously should be Crochet, Knitting and Sewing for Every Woman. The hat pattern and the instructions can be downloaded from my Flickr account.


  1. Kind of cute bag but I think I'd nmake it from fabric and not felt... I don't trust the felt they sell these day and like you, I'd want a snap added too.

  2. A quilted floral with a bamboo ring, maybe?

  3. I'd do this in a bamboo styled brocade with the bamboo ring and snazz it up, but that's me.

    For everyday tho, and the vintage look, bakelite handles and a good black or navy duck/shirting (and this sucker would weare like iron) with sporty bias trim (reds and whites maybe?)

    And yes, definitely a closure.


  4. WOW! I love vintage bags and want to learn to sew them. The hat's killer, too. Is it silly for a woman to wear a hat these days? Think I would look out of place wearing one to class? COuld I get away with it?

    And why is my word verification "lieshats?"

  5. Miss Kitty, honey, show both these patterns (this one and the apron) to your mamma. They'd be great to learn to sew from. The bag is just a couple of straight seams and binding some edges...

    (I don't know what the validation program is thinking of, some days. I can't believe some of these authentication passwords are totally random).
