Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Okay, that was gruesome

(edited to add the photo).

Reserve Cat just walked out of the spare room with the arm of my big wooden German nutcracker in his mouth.


  1. how on earth did he carry it in his mouth?

  2. Amy, my question is how the heck did he tear it off the nutcracker in the first place?

    By the time I got the camera out he had dropped it. It was the dangd'est thing you ever saw, he looked like a dog playing "fetch."

  3. Oh my!! I'm laughing myself silly picturing him carrying that arm.. LOL

  4. Obviously Reserve Cat either hates men in uniform (highly unlikely), dislikes Germans (not where you live) or hates nuts. I'd loved to have seen a picture! How big was the Nutcracker?

  5. That cracks me up. We have a tradition in my family of armless nutcrackers. Never by pet mishap though. :)
