Wednesday, February 25, 2009

and speaking of patterns...

I can't believe I've never noticed it before, but there's a slide show of some of their 1956-57 patterns on the Burda WOF site.


  1. Thanks for this. Weren't they so-o-o elegant. I always wanted to grow up to be like them, then the fashions changed! :(

    btw, where do you find all this wonderful stuff? you must spend all day surfing ;)

  2. I like the dress but the first thing I thought of when I say the hat was the French Foreign Legion.

  3. Ingrid -- People send me stuff; butI spend way too much time on the computer, to the point where I have forced myself to get up and walk away from it after dinner (since we only have one PC, this also allows the spousal unit play Age of Empire).

    Rochelle, now that you point it out, it does seem to be channeling the kepi, somehow.
