Thursday, February 5, 2009

Die Wacht Am Birdfeeder

Der Wacht-doggie is wacht - ing...interestingly enough, all of our previous GSD's barked their heads off at the squirrels in the birdfeeder, he just sits. And watches. One of these days he's going to do the math and realize that's only a five foot fence and he can easily jump it.


  1. LOL he probably will.
    My pooch will try to climb the power polls to try and catch Mr. Squirrel.

  2. A couple of German Shepherds ago we had one that would try to climb the tree, so I'm not surprised.

  3. The Mighty Hunter ......and future prey!

  4. yes isn't it funny how some dogs don't realise they can jump fences? our foxy is the same...

  5. Love the photo. You can just see the tension - waiting to pounce.

    I had a huge doberman once who belonged next door. They abandoned her one weekend and after two days, she jumped the four-foot fence, bringing her food bowl with her. We had her for 8 years after that. She never jumped another fence.

  6. Why are German breeds such smart dogs?

    (the SU would like to answer that but since he's 1/4 German I won't let him).
