Sunday, February 15, 2009

Now is the winter of our discontent

Turned into glorious summer by this sunny, attractive little book. It was published in 1916 as a collaboration between the California Fruit Growers’ Exchange and Alice Bradley of Miss Farmer’s School of Cookery in Boston. On this bleak, cold, grey and brown day I can do no better than to post some of these glowing pictures.

(edited to add: left-click to enlarge or go to my Flickr account to download).


  1. I love how they made cookery booklets to go with the fruit. Some of those old books have the best recipes in them. btw when does spring start for you there? Autumn is nearly here for us.

  2. Well, the Vernal Equinox is usually in late March, and this year old Punxsatawny Phil saw his shadow on 2 February (Groundhog Day, if you're familiar with that odd bit of Americana) and condemned us to 6 more weeks of winter, so 16 March looks about right.

    Here in central IL it is usually sooner. Back home in Detroit it is usually later! And when I was stationed in Northern California, we started our garden on Martin Luther King Day with early vegetables such as English peas, potatoes, and greens.

    (that's one thing I miss about North Carolina is my wonderful garden. You had to weed like mad, but everything grew, grew, grew. My flowerbeds looked like a seed catalog).

  3. All that sunny fruit makes me want summer to hurry up and get here.
