Monday, February 2, 2009

Vintage Travel Posters - the French Line

(copyright-free image from Dover).


  1. I'm more then ready to take a cruise somewhere south.. this morning I asked my hub is he wanted to run away with me to Mexico.. LOL I'm so ready for some hot sunshine.

  2. I was thinking the same thing as I was going through my clipart last night. Although it's 27 degrees today, which is a lot warmer than it has been.

  3. Ooh! Love the poster.

    I bet you'd appreciate my much loved vintage Pan Am poster advertising flights to Maui. It's a photo of beach, ocean and terrain that looks like it might have been touched up in whatever way they did that before Photoshop!

    here's a link if you're interested. If you click to embiggen, you can see it very well.

    Love your blog!
