Sunday, March 15, 2009

In Honor of Saint Patrick's Day

I should be offering some recipes for corned beef and cabbage, but I think I'll just show one of the selections from another vintage cookbook I brought home from Detroit, the Heinz Recipe Book, copyright 1939.

"Note: This salad may be used as a main dish salad for St. Patrick's Day, serving sandwiches or hot bread with it."

If all I gave the spousal unit for dinner was toast, three pieces of dill pickle and some watercress, I think he'd kick. And not just because he's a Protestant.


  1. I love reading those old advertising cookbooks that companies put out. I bet this would be a pretty tasty appetizer. (But I'm with you and your husband - no way could this turn into a main dish!)

  2. yes I think my dh would be slightly put out as well, he's a meat and potatoes man unfortunately...

  3. Oh my goodness, they are absolutely adorable! Imagine going to the work of cutting the innards out of a pickle and stuffing it with a filling - then slicing the pickle and arranging it so carefully. Yep, you'd have to serve some very hearty sandwiches - maybe some open-faced hot sandwiches - to accompany something as delicate as this.

  4. LOL one of the nice things of not having a DH, I can eat this as a main course if I wanted to and not have to worry, except the kid might be like "cool, where's my food?"

  5. Sounds good to me as an appetizer but I guarantee you DH would call Pizza Hut :)
