Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not a jury in the land would convict me

Babyface came prancing up to me for some affection as I was knitting on the sofa this afternoon. After she got her due, something made her decide to race into the next room.

And her collar was hooked in my knitting.

By the time the spousal unit stopped and untangled her there was a HUGE snag about five inches from the beginning of the project. And yes, I tried to fix it. And no, it can't be fixed.


  1. oh nooo! I'm sure your baby didn't mean any harm but oh dear...

  2. So sorry.. I know you must have felt like using the yarn as a rope to hang something LOL

  3. Next time she comes up for a hug, the knitting is getting tossed onto the mantelpiece!
