Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Paws de Deux

The Drama Queen has introduced Funnyface to a new game. It starts after we are in bed and the lights are out and involves him chasing her from the front room, down the hall, into the bedroom, where she races up the side of the bed and briefly perches on my hip (I'm a side-sleeper), pivots, runs back down the side of the bed and shoots out into the hall again. They then repeat this four or five times.

Four years of college, a post-graduate degree, and twenty-one years in the Marines have come down to this; I am a skateboard ramp for a cat.


  1. LOL! Cats definitely see us as props.

  2. Welcome to my world. With 2 Maine Coons, we are often launching pads or landing platforms. Most morningd I am prodded awake at some ungodly early time by being body checked by 13 lbs of Reilly. He runs in, jumps on the bed, slams his shulders into my face, chrips and jumps off. Most mornings I get checked 18 times before getting up.

  3. I only have one 8 month old cat now (and four dogs), but Miss Hiss has decided that she is now queen of the house.

    Also, thought you might be interested in this:
    (Sorry, but you'll need to copy and paste.) My daughter blogged about her two "monsters".

  4. LOL our new Sir Tang has decided that night time is play time.. not a throw rug in the house is left flat on the floor.
    BTW some of the subdivisions here are refusing to let people have clotheslines. If our township ever tries that I'll be banging on the city hall doors. It's so stupid.

  5. hmm ok, I haven't experienced that yet, but then again I know have 2 ceiling cats and one basemen cats. The 2 kittens love (for some reason) climbing up my leg while I'm cooking dinner - ouch!

  6. Jeri the cat only enters our room by dashing from the door to under the bed, crosses under it to my side, lands on my stomach (I am a back sleeper), jumps on the husband, off the bed and dashes back under the bed, repeat and rinse. She will do this 4 or 5 times; if the door is open, we have to throw her out shut it. If the door is closed, we have to open it and throw her out.

  7. I suppose I should count my blessings; at least it's not Funnyface hanging ten off my hipbones.
