Thursday, May 28, 2009

Be Careful What You Ask For

Three or four years ago a Springfield, Missouri klavern of the Ku Klux Klan filed a lawsuit to force that great state to allow them to participate in the Adopt-A-Highway program. Not permitting them to do so, they argued, was a violation of their First Amendment Rights. Eventually, they won their case, since the Constitution does in fact provide the same protection to inbred knuckle-dragging brachycephalic fruitcake pond scum troglodytes Klan members that is granted to more rational citizens.

They were given their assignment in January; a two-mile section of the Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Memorial Highway.


  1. Gawd, sometimes there is justice in our own time! Thanks for this!

  2. In St. Louis the same thing happened, and the state eventually named that stretch of the Hwy, the Rosa Parks Memorial Hwy. Anyway, the KKK never did any cleanup and lost the sign.

  3. Hi! Just love your blog..i have to come back for those recipes!!! yummmy

  4. That's good! Give them what they want hehehe!

  5. Oh yes.. I remember them filing for their part of the highway but I didn't know what they were assigned.. LOL deserves them right.

  6. *snicker* well I'm sure there's a lesson in there for them for sure.

  7. Thanks for sharing this. It is funny.

  8. Oh, the irony. Though I can just see one of the dimmer members saying something like, "Rabbi. That's a funny first name."

  9. I want to KISS the person respobsible for assigning them that!! Mazeltov!

  10. They all seem to know their 'rights,' don't they, and unhesitatingly try to use them against us...
