Thursday, May 21, 2009


The spousal unit took a bus-load of middle-schoolers up to Chicago today to see a (execrable) White Sox game, and guess what? He made the highlight reels for Fox Sports Chicago. When I saw him go head-first into the trough after that Twins homer I wasn't quite sure, but when they re-ran the video I confirmed it.

He was not wearing a hat. He sat in those bleachers all afternoon with no hat on. And I'll bet the farm no sun-block, either.

He'll be home in half an hour.

(picture from


  1. My goodness he's going to hurting tomorrow

  2. oh noooo i hope he's not too badly sunburned...

  3. I hope you weren't toooo tough on your husband. A sunburn is probably punishment enough? (I have to sympathize with him, because I never remember to wear a hat or sunscreen, either.)

  4. BUSTED! He should get no sympathy. None. First he took KIDS to a baseball game and THEN wore no hat. Me thinks he should train Drama Queen on the harness...

  5. A bus-load of middle-schoolers? I think he was trying to commit suicide to avoid the ride home with a bus-load of middle-schoolers hopped up on stadium fountain sodas.

  6. He claims he was wearing sunblock, and I have to believe him because he was only a tad pink...we've had the talk about the hat thing before.

    Sisiggy, he spends seven hours a day shut up in a room with these kids trying to teach them geography and science, so he knew what he was in for ;-)
