Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Patterns of the Past-"Knit-o-Graf" Sweaters

From Smart Knitting, 1952. I think one of the mail-order needlework places still carries these, Mary Maxim's or Herrschner's, but would any children nowadays wear lambs and leprechauns to school?


  1. Probably not but I think their adorable.

  2. My grandmother made my sister and I dog sweaters that almost look exactly identical to the one in the photo. Maybe she got the idea from this? Who knows...

    My mother still has them...
    Memories... :)

  3. Girls might (says the person who has all boys...). Maybe it will get them out of all that stupid "Disney princess" stuff.

  4. In my childhood neighborhood, there was a large family of mostly boys. (In the end they had nine children, six boys and three girls.) Either the mother or grandmother knitted some of those sweaters, because they would pass down from one kid to the next. The oldest was my age. I distinctly remember the Humpty Dumpty one.

    When I knit, I prefer using the pattern with a duplicate stitch.
    I made my own patterns for my children.

    Good memories. Thanks!

  5. I remember these. My Grandmother made a different one for each of her grandchildren that she had at the time. In my immediate family was Humpety and Peter Rabbit. Great memories.
