Sunday, May 3, 2009

Prairie Ghost


  1. That picture is eerily beautiful. Did you take it yourself? At one time, there was an old 'see-through' farmhouse near the village of Armada completely covered in ivy except for the empty windows. there was a time or two I almost ran my truck into a ditch because I couldn't take my eyes off of it. There's just something fascinating in those old houses.

  2. I was on my way to the vet's to drop off a urine sample (Babyface has a UTI, sigh) and wasn't paying attention, missed the turnoff, and came across this abandoned house. It's only about a mile out of my way, clearly visible across the cornfields, but for some reason I had never noticed it before.

    I'm surprised it hasn't been torn down, there's nothing around it but empty fields.

  3. I love that image. Thank you for capturing and sharing it.

    I try to do the same at Not that I am trying to pull any sort of blatant self promotion thing. Or anything.

  4. That is a wonderful picture--very evocative.

    Hope Babyface is feeling better!

  5. T-Mom, we never would have realized she was sick except for an unfortunate in the dining room. It sure hasn't slowed her down any!

    Thanks for asking :-)
