Friday, May 15, 2009

Quote of the Day

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. ~Ambrose Bierce


  1. LOL stay away from me pooch :)

  2. With the rain we've been having, our two don't look much different!

  3. How true! Got to love a big wet muddy dog, especially when you are at work and a strange one comes galloping into the office and jumps in your lap. Great way to meet a new boss and his dog! Really happened. Muffin lived to be really old and has long been in doggie heaven. My ex-boss is now retired, but we're still great friends.

  4. Add at the end of that quote "to your dog-hating mother-in-law" and that would sum up rainy days around here...

  5. The dog's just keeping his/her belly cool. Why do they never want to do that in clean water?

  6. "Add at the end of that quote "to your dog-hating mother-in-law" ...

    or the new Methodist minister.
