Friday, June 5, 2009

Foiled, You Rotten Little Six-Fingered Houdini

That the house is beginning to look like the County Asylum circa 1907 is a small price to pay.


  1. Looks like your chance of containment has increased. My cat tried to escape the other day by knocking out the wood by my air conditioner Cats sure can be determined.

  2. She seems the type to carefully study your attempt at increased security, surveying until she finds a weakness to exploit...

  3. oh wow, how much longer is it destined to carry on for?

  4. The township animal control officer has confirmed that the sick feral cat he captured had distemper.

    They're staying in for a while.

    Rochelle; stinker mutant many-toes is not able to pull the wooden frame in the window that holds the window fan loose anymore, 'cos we fixed it.

    So sometime during the wee hours she pulled the window fan loose from the frame.

    And escaped. Was sitting on the porch waiting for Brian when he took the dogs out this morning.

  5. Determinatation is a cat. Sounds like you are in for quite a battle.
