Friday, June 12, 2009

An Open Letter to Rep Tim Johnson, R-IL

Dear Tim:

This country is facing, among other challenges, an economy that's tanking, record unemployment, climate change, domestic and international terrorism, spiraling energy prices, nuclear saber-rattling in North Korea, a new pandemic, a substandard public education system, decaying infrastructure, military involvement in the Middle East that's put an alarming strain on the resources of our armed forces, and health care that is out of the reach of almost 20% of my fellow citizens.

When the only issue the fund-raising letter for your 2010 campaign mentions is teh ebbil, ebbil Democrats, you aren't going to get my vote.


  1. Good luck. I wish Rep. Johnson the best in his new career in January 2011.

  2. I've dealt with this tool before; he is condescending and disingenuous and I wish the Democrats would find a better opponent than that nice but clueless local MD who has run against him the past couple of elections.

    Or that the local Republican party pundits would finally wise up and give his ass the boot.

  3. good for you Shay,
    not always happy with North Dakota's politicians either.

  4. good stuff! Sometimes I feel like sending similar things to politicians here.

  5. I kind of want to do a general Three Stooges line slap to the party in general and tell them, "Would you people please get your head out of the hole and get your act together?"
