Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sewing-A Child's Sunsuit from 1953

This sunsuit in size 4 comes from Smart Sewing, Sixth Edition, 1953. Two pages of instructions are on my Flickr account.

And if you’re as handy with a hammer as you are with a sewing machine, check out Tipnut’s site for instructions for a 1950’s space-cadet clubhouse, ray gun or a flying saucer!


  1. Oh my! I wore those little sunsuits when I was 3-5 years old! Thanks for the memory.

  2. My mother made more then one of these sunsuits. Thanks for the memory's.

  3. Honestly, if I had a grandchild I'd be tempted to make half a dozen. Those and a t-shirt and the child would be set all summer.
