Thursday, June 4, 2009

Steve McQueen Kitteh is Back in the Stalag

I just went out for a walk. Guess who I ran into?

While we were congratulating ourselves on having rendered the front bedroom window "escape-proof," she pried open the one above the basement stairs.


  1. Its because of that extra 'lock-picking' toe...

  2. Perhaps you should find out what his mission is. Maybe he's just trying to save humanity... er... felinity.

  3. That is one clever and determined cat! Me thinks the Spousal Unit needs to check every opening in Stalag for signs of tampering.

  4. There are fourteen windows in this house and she's tried them all except the one in the bathroom. And I'm waiting to see what she does with that.

  5. You are lost. She has an opposable thumb. Next hing you know, she will hack your blogger account and impersonate you.

  6. this kittehs paws are absolutely adorable!
