Monday, July 13, 2009

It Was Bound To Happen Sooner or Later

Someone who shall remain nameless (but he's red-haired and his initials are R.C.) came home at ten minutes after five this morning. He's darn lucky Mr Fox wasn't out on the tiles, too.


  1. OMGOSH. I bet you were so worried! Glad he is okay.

  2. Someone is in the bad corner! Was going to say dog house, but perhaps that was where he hung out all night. Bad mousie!

  3. Take away his cell phone and car. Cats may be able to manipulate owners, but let's see how they function without modern technology.

  4. We've been able to lure him back every other evening. If we go out onto the front porch and sit with the dogs, sooner or later the cats will come join us.

    Ya gotta move fast to catch Reserve Cat, though.
