Saturday, July 18, 2009

Those Who Can


(those who can't, pickle).

Updated to give you all an idea of how the spousal unit spends his weekends.


  1. and some of us lust after
    the zuke as a sweet pickle
    relish regardless of what
    anyone else wants...

  2. Really? The spousal unit makes a sweet picallili from his grandmother's recipe but it uses cukes, onions and peppers.

    We have family members who always end verbal invitations with "And you're going to bring picallili, right?

  3. Zuke relish is my favorite too. I planted both yellow and green ones but the only one that the squirrel didn't eat is the yellow so I guess its going to be yellow relish this year :)

  4. yum! is it lunch at your place sometime?

  5. Hey Shey, the pickles look good, and the squash cassarole sounds good. Happy eating.
