Sunday, July 19, 2009

Unconventional Weapons

During a discussion about this article I was asked if our cats have the distinctive purr the writer mentions. Yes and no; Reserve Cat is a pretty quiet boy, with a raspy little “Yow!” he seldom uses.

The Drama Queen has two purrs. Purr #1 is a gentle, soothing tremblato that she switches on when she is being petted or cuddled or her ears are being scratched. The other is her Über-purr, deployed only when she is in a secure location, one where either a) the dog can’t get at her or b) he will get thwacked if he tries, ie on top of the china cupboard or in a human lap. Then she ratchets up the rpm’s, vibrating like a badly battened-down table-saw and adding a little trilling top note. It’s surprisingly loud.

Her eyes close in well-simulated bliss and Funnyface stands there baffled, shifting from paw to paw and plotting his revenge.


  1. LOL looks just like our doggie when we're petting the cat.. she is so jealous.
    Tang doesn't make any noise when he purrs.. you don't even know he is unless you lay your hand on his tummy.

  2. hi Shay, re: my recipe, sorry I should have clarified that's tea in liquid form :-)

  3. ciao mia carissima amica Shay
    hi my dear friend Shay
    hai mangiato i tuoi pimodori
    did you eat your tomatoes?
    il mio era molto buono
    mine was very good
    from Italia

  4. My cats have very different voices. One I mentioned is loud and the other one just says Yow like yours. We laugh that he leaves the Me off his Meow. That is a really cute picture of Funnyface.
