Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The End Of A Perfect Day

There's a bat in the living room.

UPDATE: the spousal unit and Reserve Cat, implementing the “hammer-anvil” strategy perfected by the Army of Northern Virginia, trapped Mr. Bat and evicted him. My part in the action consisted of target identification and rear-echelon security.

Any claim that I shrieked “BAT!” and fled, slamming the bedroom door behind me, should be rejected by all right-thinking persons as a base, malicious falsehood.


  1. How funny, but not! You did shriek. I heard you clear in Idaho. LOL

  2. Shrieking was to alert the bat to the nearest exit. I know, been there and done that. Okay it was my mom who shooed the bat into the back hallway. Once the cat caught the bat, I fled and locked my mom out of the 3rd floor. I hate bats more than spiders.

  3. A couple of years ago my son walks into our room in the middle of the night , With a bat wrapped in a towel. Talk about a wake up call!!! He said the cat had caught it in his room. We live next to "the"church .The steeple and bell tower are filled with bats.(we have screens on our windows etc. wonder if the cat dragged it in. )

  4. p.s. Our house next to the church is a bungalow too.

  5. Yes, inquiring minds (me) want to know how the HELL that thing got inside my house.

    Reserve Cat is looking smug this morning.

  6. too funny, just as much fun I am sure as a bird in the barn, the cats and dog go nuts chasing from one end to the other, the milk cows were *not* happy. got much less milk when that happened.

  7. They're so small, they can fit into tiny tiny spaces. You'll want to check up around your eaves and whatever vents you have upstairs (does your bungalow have an attic?, and install screens. I had a friend who had bats living in his unused chimney, and that came into the house out of the fireplace--a real gothic-movie kinda thing! It made the cats very happy, but my friend not so much.
