Friday, August 28, 2009


Hi, Ma! Didja have a good day? Didja miss us?

We had lotsa fun today! Didja bring us some nice treats from town?

Didja miss us? Ma? Ma? Come back, Ma!


  1. oh, oh. Looks they had like a great time, tho.

  2. Looks like they had a lot of doggy digging fun!

  3. Notice Reserve Cat's expression: "I told them not to do it! I was a good boy!"

  4. oh nooo! Judging by the last expression I can see he has no idea what he's done.

  5. *snick-er*

    Yes, I noticed Reserve Cat's expression. "Dogs are soooo declasse."

    And I thought I had a mess when Taenzer decided to recline in the wading pool (filled to the top by the recent rain) approximately the very same moment I decided it was time to go inside. Mud beats rain water any day!

  6. T-Mom, I must admit I've been waiting to see your reaction to the kids...and yes, the cat's expression is priceless.

  7. It's funny that the cat doesn't seem to care about your opinion until there's a chance to get the dog in trouble.
