Sunday, September 13, 2009

Come into the Garden, Maud

Although the weather says that it is fall, the garden is still producing…just. Most of the vegetables have lost that wonderful fresh flavor that made eating them out of hand so enjoyable, and now need a little help.


Take 2 slices of crusty home-style bread and bake these in a very slow oven for about twenty minutes. If you already have some good bread that has gone stale, you can skip this part. Cube the stale bread and toss it in a big bowl with the following: 2 or 3 diced Roma tomatoes, a sweet pepper ditto, a fistful of chopped basil or parsley, a half cup of cubed mozzarella or provolone. In a small jar shake 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and 4 of olive oil with a pinch of salt and a little black pepper. Pour over the salad and let it stand at room temperature (not in the fridge) for about half an hour while everything mellows. Toss again before serving.

Summer’s End Pie

Beat together 1½ cups of milk, ½ cup of mild shredded cheese, 3 eggs, and about a half teaspoon of salt. Soften 2 cups or so of diced raw vegetables in 2 T. of butter, then fold the vegetables (and the butter) into the egg/cheese batter. I used zucchini and one forlorn little onion--I haven’t ever put tomatoes or bell peppers in this pie but I don’t see why you couldn’t. I also added some thyme to complement the zucchini.

Taste for salt, pour into a well-buttered deep-dish pie pan and bake at 350º for 40-45 minutes. You could bake it in a crust if you prefer. Nice for breakfast or lunch and a useful recipe for any leftover vegetables.

Vegetable Fritters

I came back from Lou’siana after Hurricane Katrina with a big jar of Tony Cachere’s Cajun seasoning and now wonder how I lived without it.

In a food processor, pulse together a zucchini, a red bell pepper, a small onion, and 2 slices of bread. When they are combined but not a puree, add 2 T melted butter and 1 egg, and pulse just until blended. You should have about 4 cups of batter. Add 2 teaspoons of Cajun seasoning and taste before you add more (I love Tony’s but it’s salty).

Heat half a cup of vegetable oil in a heavy skillet.

Your batter should be thick enough to mound on a spoon. If it is too wet, add half a cup of flour or biscuit mix. Drop by teaspoonfuls into the hot oil and fry over medium high heat until the fritters are golden on both sides. These cook very quickly. Drain on paper towels, and serve with ketchup.


  1. Thanks! Will have to try a couple of these.

    Is your Cajun seasoning mostly celery salt or is it more like shrimp boil or ? Just curious. I like to make my own seasoning mixes when possible to get the necessary ingredients. That way I can control the amount of salt.

  2. Tony's ingredients list salt, garlic powder, red pepper and "other spices" but I'm pretty sure there's cumin in there.

  3. Thank you. The only Cajun seasoning in my cupboard is in a plain jar. I must has shared a jar of it with someone at some point in time. All I know is that it has been in there for a long while and probably should be replaced with fresh.

  4. These sound tasty especially the fritters, wish I had some fresh garden produce. Even my tomato died from the heat.

  5. Those fritters sure sound good.. fortunately we can buy Tony Cachere’s seasoning here and its my daughters favorite.. she sprinkles it on lots of things but especially on soup and eggs.
