Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Crochet and Knitting - Some Quickly-Made Gifts

From the American Thread Company, 260 West Broadway, New York, NY. Check out page 11 - because everybody needs a bottlecap hotpad for Christmas. May be downloaded from my Flickr account.


  1. Of course, everyone needs a bottle cap hot pad. Very handy for setting hot dishes/pans on. I wonder what ever happened to the ones that ratted around Mom's and Grandmas...

  2. Hmm my mom made those bottle cap hot pads too

  3. I like the string holder...does anyone in the world except maybe Martha Stewart keep a ball of string in their kitchen?

  4. And we all need a Pappy and Mammy doll, along with a flower pot cover.

    I think one could make a steam punk vest out of crocheted bottle caps. Maybe I will whip one up for Christmas.

    The little earrings are cute, I think.

  5. My Grandmother made bottle cap hot pads. Hers were red and white. I also remember some that looked like a cluster of grapes. They weren't made with twist off caps!

    No Idle Hands

  6. Thank you so much for these patterns. I love the older patterns and they're not easy to find.
