Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Crochet - Some Vintage Edgings

While looking for something else, I can across a major stash of vintage thread company booklets. How on earth did I accumulate all of these? This one was issued by the Lily Mills Company of Shelby, North Carolina. I can't find a publication date and I think there may be some pages missing.

Two pages of these and other edgings can be downloaded from my Flickr account.


  1. How I love these edgings! Crocheting is beyond me - I've tried and tried. Sob... :)

  2. They are lovely (and I love the presentation of the pictures too!) Obviously a great marketing tool back then - look what you can create with our threads! Of course you would want to try!

  3. Wow, Is that impressive edging on the circular doily tatted or crocheted? If crocheted I would love to attempt it.
    Thanks for posting!
