Monday, January 18, 2010

Life's Little Mysteries Dep't

Why is there dog hair in the coffeemaker?


  1. I really had to laugh at this one... I even find dog hairs inside my shoes.
    ( Too bad there isn't a little smiley face icon with one eye brow up and one eye brow down)

  2. That's not good, not good at all. Course I have cat hair everywhere. Especially frustrating when I get a piece of it in my eye though.

  3. Perhaps it's a literal interpretation of the old saying, "A hair of the dog that bit you..."

  4. Maybe the Spousal Unit left the coffee filters out?

  5. Why wouldn't there by dog hair in the coffee maker? LOL

  6. We have dog and cat hair on the ceiling over here; the coffeemaker would not even cause me to blink.

  7. Because you have two German Shepherds, of course! ;-)

  8. They must have hidden opposable thumbs, because this dog hair was inside the water compartment which is always CLOSED.

    (sigh). It's bad enough that I have pet hair everywhere else in the house but now it's winding up on the inside of stuff?
