Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Patterns of the Past - Hollyhocks

I have to post these happy, sunny little flowers, if only because we're expecting between five and seven inches of snow tomorrow night. From McCall's Needlework and Crafts, Summer 1940.


  1. Love the hollyhocks - wish I had the instructions (oh yeah, and the basic needlework skill) to outfit my kitchen in these lovelies. Thank you for posting them. :)

  2. This is something that I could and would do. Love these. They would be perfect in my dilapidated kitchen. Do you have the instructions? Would you be willing to share?

  3. Those are so bright and cheerful!!!
    Yippers.. snow is on the way.. weird tho, the sun has been shinning all day

  4. Packie, I only wish I had this pattern. It's an ad from one of my old McCall's needlework magazines.

    Maybe you could copy the picture at a higher resolution and make a pattern of it?

    Pat it was sunny and bitter cold yesterday, and it's snowing like mad right now.

  5. Shay, Thanks. I'll try enlarging it.
