Thursday, January 14, 2010

You're Only As Old As You Feel Dep't

We held a vaccination clinic at the Senior Center this evening. Towards the end a gentleman came through the door, walking with that careful, high-stepping gait one often sees in very elderly people. He leaned on his cane and peered at our sign. I greeted him.

"Sir, are you here for the H1N1 clinic?"



"No, I'm here for the square dancing class."

1 comment:

  1. LOL--I love old people! There is a
    super-elderly man who hikes in the
    park where I do. He looks like he
    can barely go, but he goes. He fell
    and broke his shoulder & as soon as he
    could, he was back taking his daily hike.

    Only 1 person I know has had H1N1,
    she is my cousin's 11 y/o school chum.

    One woman in town died of some sort
    of flu complications, but Vanderbilt
    ruled out H1N1. Either the vaccines
    are really helping, or people are
    so paranoid they aren't spreading
    germs as much.
