Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Online Bookshelf -The Tale of Old Dog Spot

From a popular early 20th century children's author...not much of a story but who can resist such a nattily-attired cat?


  1. German short-hair pointer? Cute cover. Will check it out.

  2. I checked it out too, and my favorite illustration is the one where the dog is chasing the squirrel on the invisible motorcycle. Did you see that one?

    And I just posted about online books last night - synchronicity. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. That reminds me of the animals in my house - both the breathing ones and the stuffed ones. My kids, they make clothing for their critters, and one in particular likes his guys to be quite dapper.

  4. I once owned a cat who would cravenly allow himself to be dressed up in baby clothes, as long as you gave him a toy bottle full of milk.
