Saturday, March 6, 2010


What I thought was a bug-bite on my eyelid has been diagnosed as shingles.


  1. On your eyelid? Yikes!

    May you get over this attack quickly and easily!

  2. Ive had them. Take Lysine. Its an amino acid your body needs right now. I asked my Dr. about it when I had mine and he said go for it if you think it will help. And yes you can take it with anything else you are taking. Its a natural thing in your body already. What this does tho is speed the healing and reduce the pain. Many have residual pain after it heals, I didnt because I used this. I took it 3 times a day till I was healed. Good Luck and sorry to hear you have it in such a bad place.

  3. Ouch! I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Bummer! Hope you feel better soon. I know shingles can take a lot out of people. Best Wishes for a speedy recovery!

  5. yuck! anything on your eyelid yuck!

  6. GACK!!!! I agree on the lysine. Really helps. Also perhaps acylcovir?

    Hope it gets better soon!

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry. Take care.

  8. Sounds painful.. hope it heals fast

  9. Mary in Winston-Salem, NCMarch 8, 2010 at 4:21 AM

    I feel your pain. I am two weeks into having them on my left side. Used acylcovir and am dried and scabbed over. Still a little uncomfortable but may be because of the scabbing. Get all the rest you feel you need-it will help. Feel better soon.

  10. Oh no! Very painful. So, so sorry. I hope they go away soon. Get lots of rest, if possible.

  11. Good luck with a speedy recovery. Never had shingles, but I've known people who have.

  12. I'm sorry to hear that! Good luck with a quick recovery, and take care of yourself!

  13. My Sweetie has been there. He also had shingles in his nose at the same time. He wishes you a speedy recovery.
