Monday, March 15, 2010

Misery Loves Company

While I was moping around the house last week, trying not to scratch, Reserve Cat snuck outside and ate something that made him a very sick kitteh indeed.

Perhaps out of sympathy. Anyway, Dr Tinyvet was on vacation so Dr McNasty (remember her? she's the one who suggested that we should start brushing the Drama Queen's teeth) sent him home with a whopping bill and five pills to be administered daily for two weeks. Fifteen down and fifty five to go; we know he's feeling better because he put four holes in the spousal unit last night.


  1. Aaa poor baby and poor you.. hope you both get well soon

  2. Aww poor kitty.

    We had to give the monster cat a pill for a month. 2 weeks into it, it took 2 adults, holding him down and a third adult to give him the stuff while a 4th kid closed his mouth.

    A week later, kitty was not taking it anymore. We couldn't do it to him. I STILL have scars..

    Hope you and the kitty are feeling better.

  3. Sorry to hear Reserve Cat was feeling poorly. Methinks Dr. McNasty is a dog doctir and hates cats. Any sane vet would know you can only get 1 pill down a cat every other day...good luck.

  4. Sorry to hear Reserve Cat was feeling poorly. Methinks Dr. McNasty is a dog doctir and hates cats. Any sane vet would know you can only get 1 pill down a cat every other day...good luck.

  5. Poor baby
    I had a cat who could be Reerve's twin and when he and his sister were little, they had a Dr McNasty too, just once though, she was too rough and I complained about her and I guess others had too and thank goodness she wasn't there much longer,he is no longer with us after 20 years, but his sister is still with us, he used to love to nip too! I now have to give his sister colon medicine

  6. Dr McNasty is probably a very good vet; otherwise I don't think Dr Tinyvet and her husband (Dr Disheveled) would have taken her into partnership.

    I just don't like her.

  7. Poor Reserve Cat! I'm glad to read elsewhere that he's feeling better. Hope you are, too.
