Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More of Life's Little Mysteries Dep't

When someone is on a diet and only supposed to be getting half a cup of kibble twice a day, why did I walk into the kitchen this morning and find her food dish heaped full? Has she figured out how to use those extra thumbs, or is she conning the spousal unit?


  1. My cats just go eat the dry dog food that keeps appearing in the bowls. (I'm the guilty one. I get tired of the dogs bothering me when their bowl is empty.)

    Speaking of mysteries - did you ever find your lost items?

  2. Your cat is amazing! Where ever did she learn to use her thumbs? I think it is one for the Guiness Book...lol.

  3. The Queen is being properly loved by the Spousal Unit, per HER wishes. She is being properly loved by you per the VET's wishes.
    Perhaps the Spousal Unit is in with the Queen on the missing items and feels guilty?

  4. Did you ever see that bumper snicker that reads:

    Dogs have masters; Cats have staff.

    Spousal Unit is only doing what he has been conditioned to do!!! It is mind control, I tell ya!

  5. Kate, that may be why Funnyface loathes her.
