Saturday, June 26, 2010

An Announcement about Vintage Project Tuesdays

Due to my recent over-indulgence on eBay in vintage Workbasket magazines (I don't know who Feona Keitzman was, but bless her for not throwing them away), Tuesdays in July and August are going to feature crochet patterns exclusively from that worthy little periodical. Starting on July 6th, you're in for four weeks of potholder patterns and five of edgings.

(This coming Tuesday I'll post the knitted doily that's shown here).

I have a real weakness for these Workbasket patterns, some of which is of course because the size of the magazine makes scanning very easy!


  1. Sweet! I have just gotten into the crochet doily mode!!!

  2. I'll enjoy looking at them but unfortunately I can no longer crochet with the tiny threads.. makes my hands go numb :-(

  3. I really appreciate you posting these.... love old patterns.

  4. ::delurks::

    You're going to drive me to learning how to crochet. ::wince:: As if I haven't enough to keep me busy with my cross-stitch...

  5. Of course, if the tatting patterns wandered through, they would not be unappreciated either ;D I confess, the overabundance of pineapple doilies put me off crochet as a pastime for quite a while. I got better, thankfully :)

    Workbaskets do warm a certain place in the heart, don't they?
