Thursday, July 29, 2010

Full Disclosure

My boss and I caught a ride to the state terrorist task force meeting at the capitol today with a guy who works in emergency management for our local Big Corporation. Ski is a wonderful person but unfortunately he is also a former Marine. In fact, he and I were stationed at the same air base and in the same air group back in the 80’s (though we were in different squadrons and never met each other), and our conversations tend to start out along the lines of “Remember that biker bar outside the back gate?” and go straight downhill.

My sweet, ladylike boss was trapped in the back seat listening to us reminisce for an hour and a half, so it’s probably a good thing that my next evaluation isn’t until April.


  1. Love the photo! Yes, you should be glad the eval is some time in the future - you may have given up more intell to use against you than you think!:-)

  2. Sometimes "old time talk" needs to be in a bar...My salty stories are from summer stock theater and best left to insiders only. Perhaps your boss will forget by next April?

  3. Love this photo. And hurray for sharing memories--even with your boss present!

  4. Just because your boss is ladylike doesn't necessarily mean that she has always been that way. ;)

    Love the picture.

  5. I agree with packrat.. LOL

  6. I was joking with BossLady this afternoon that she should have gotten combat pay for yesterday's trip...she grinned at me and said that she considered it "training!"

    I love her to pieces. I really landed on my feet when I got this job.

  7. LMAO! Oh, Shay, that is hilarious. And I hope your boss was at least laughing on the inside. :-P

  8. I love the photo, too, Wanda. You're never fully dressed without a smile and a .45.
